In most instances, a landlord’s brokerage will provide the real estate fees associated with a rental transaction. You may be a seasoned renter but there is generally no cost to having a second set of trained eyes alongside, finding properties of interest and working to complete the transaction.
Moving forward without your own representation puts you at a disadvantage to the thousands of active applicants currently competing for space. A real estate professional will add value during the search and application, while providing continual support throughout the leasing period.
Navigating the Search for Rental Property
Your search begins with a discussion of your ideal criteria and making sure that new listings that fit those parameters are provided to you as they become available. With a preliminary budget, location and intended use – we can communicate the different types of space that may suit your preferences. If there is uncertainty regarding the many different options available, we present data so that you are not overwhelmed and potential properties are not missed.

During the process, there may be unique outliers that may be of interest but not necessarily covered by the predetermined search. The only way to have knowledge of these offerings is to have a comprehensive view of the market in locations that may be considered unconventional.
The goal during any real estate search is to prioritize your time viewing the properties that best fit your objectives. There must further verification of details as listings can often be misleading. On occasion, there will be wrong information and a candidate property may pass by without notice due to poor communication. Experience is necessary to ensure that the appropriate criteria are being employed while limiting time spent confirming details from individual advertisements. Search for your next home with confidence knowing that every property will be individually verified by an industry expert.
Preparing the Application
A decision to move forward is followed by the preparation of a rental application and offer, which may be submitted together for timely consideration. There will be requests for documents showing an ability to fulfill the terms of an agreement – identification, references, employment/financial verification and credit reports may be required.
In competitive situations, standing out from a pool of applicants is necessary to get a landlord’s attention. Before submission, verbal communication with a landlord’s representative is an effective way to gather additional information that may help the approach. Your application can then be refined and presented in a way that makes your acceptance as straight-forward as possible.
Support Services
During your time occupying the property, you will mainly be communicating with the landlord and their agents. There will be instances where you may need council on an appropriate course of action about an issue with the property or agreement. Matthew Aaron will support your rights throughout this time; ensuring accurate information is being communicated and policies adhered to.